salam sume .. ellow !
ehmmm .. ary nih kema dpt 1 notification dari FB .
n noti 2 dtg ny dr sorang bdak nih , ARIF .
tengs lah arif ats kesudian tag nme ekema .. hehehe (skema ayt kema ! )
haaaa .. arif ! skunk nih kema na jwb soalan kamoo ye ...
JOM2 !!
1 . you must post these rules !
2 . each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal
3 . answer the question tagger set fer you in their post
4 . create 11 new question fer the peolple you've tagged to answer .
5 . you have to tag 11 people and put their link in the entry
6 . go to their page and tell them you have tagged them
7 . no tag back
8 . you should tag 11 people ! (?)
Simple KAN ?? :)
11 perkara yang korunk xtaw psl ekema ..
1. K-POP addicted ! SHINee is my soul ..
2. minat wane UNGU ! tp npe baju kema mostly BLACK ?PELIK bukan ?
3. love to make my friends LAUGH !
4. makan banyak ! tp still KURUS .... :(
5. suka SHOPPING . ble xde duit WINDOW SHOPPING pn jadi lah .
6. i love CADBURY ...
7. seorang yang giler pd NOVEL . bli jep banyak , tp suke bg org bce dlu . bkn diri sndiri yg bce
8. susa na BENCI SESEORANG , tp ble da benci ... kema akn benci org 2 sgt2 !
9. SINGLE is more better ..
10. MALAS update blog . ikut mood update blog ...
11. feel LONELY without my besties !!
that's all .
ok . my answer for arif's question :
1. If you could give the word one piece of advice , what would it be ?
---> semue masalah , ade penyelesaian nye ...
2. If you could have a room full of any one thing , what would it be ?
---> clothes !! made from korean
3. what do you value most in other person?
---> kejujuran .
4. if you could only see black and white except for one colour , what colour would you like to see ?
---> i think WHITE
5. If you could change one thing about yorself , what would it be ?
---> jd lebih gemuk . tp bkn gemuk sgt ... atau lebih senang , berisi sikit dr yg skunk
6. if you could choose one of your personality traits to pass on your children , what would it be ?
---> hormat org laen lbih pntg , walaupn org tu dah wt kte sakit hati .
7. what would you attempt if you knew you could not fail ?
---> berusaha sehingga berjaya . jgn mudah putus asa .. CHAIYOK !
8. would you rather teach a young child to read or have to learn again for yourself ?
---> YES , I would . mestilah na ajar , kanak2 kn baru mengenal dunia .. so , kne ajr mereka supaya jd insan yg baik .
9. What is the best advice you've ever given and received ?
---> given : gagal sekali , x bermaksud gagal selama2 nye . so , you must give all out when do something .
received : jangan putus ase kema , ko bleh buat pny ...
10. What's your favourite song ?
---> banyak sgt . tp skunk kema minat forteen-berdua bersatu .
11. How would you like to die ?
---> mesti lah mati dlm keadaan beriman . cewaahhh .. hehehe . mati disisi org trsayang .
p/s : ohhh .. arif ! sowi lah kema jwb dlm bm .. hehehe . na jwb bi , x fasih sgt .. hehhehehe
okeh !untuk orang2 bertuah yg telah ditag , skunk nih kema na ajukan soalan plak .
1. antara cita-cita dan cinta , mana satu yg lebih penting kalau korang trpakse pilih dlm mase yg same ?
2. ape yang berada dlm fikiran korang skrang nih ?
3. kereta ape yg korang nak beli pd mase akan datang ?
4. kalau korang diberi satu tiket untuk melancong ke luar negara , dlm byk2 negara , negara mane yg korang pilih ? dan nak bawe sape ?
5. last korang nangis ble ?
6. boleh ke korang berkawan ngn ex korang ble da putus ? atau terus bermusuh ?
7. korang suke kekasih yang mcm mne ? mksd nye mcm caring ke ? or romantic ?
8. kalau korang trpakse kahwin ats pilihan family n bukan cinte hati korang , ape yg akn korang lakukan ?
9. kalau korang diberi harta secara tibe2 dan nilai nye mencecah jutaan ringgit , korang nak buat ape dgn duit tu ?
10. boleh ke hubungan jarak jauh dikekalkan kalau korag trpakse berpisah dgn kekasih ?
11 . siapa yang korang paling sayang sepanjang hidup korang smpai skrang ?
11 insan winkk2 yg BERTUAH :
fatima zahra
syira lokman
kamsahamnida membace ekema's story !