welcome to ekema's blog .. sila tinggalkan jejak anda ! follow lah kema :)

Friday, March 9, 2012



btw , hari ni kan kema x taw na wat pe . padahal next wext FINAL !!
WHAT ?? FINAL ... eloowwww ?? HIKMAH !!!!!
sedar lah diri .. g study tu .. ni x !! sibokk dgn dunie KOREA dye !!
hehehe . alasan hikmah adelah na study yg mne ??
byk ssgt na kene study .. hehehe .
alasan LAPOK taw x kema ! WAKE UP , HIKMAH !

selepas berFINAL , I akan CUTI !!
waaaaa ... besnye !!  CUTI SEM adela mase yg ditunggu2 !
hehehehe . pkir cuti jep ko kan kema .
btw , WISH ME LUCK !
hope dpt DEKAN lah sem nih .
so , kema DA SEDAR DIRI . 
n na g STUDY ..... bye2 uols !! ^_^

kamsahamnida membace ekema's story !

Monday, February 6, 2012

new update :)

salam kepada sume......
alahaiii ... da lame kema x update blog kan ??! 
huhhhh ... buzy lah ngn assingment , test , quiz .. ni pon esok ade hafal yasin . 
tp ape yg i buat ? update blog lagi adelah . 
heeiiii , HIKMAH pegi study tuh !! hehehe

actually , kema update pon na share kt korg pasal roomates kema sem nih ..
diorg sume otak gler2 n happening always ! LIN , TIRAH , TIKAH .. hehehe
I LIKE G2 .. btw ,. skunk nih kn kema dpt 1 PENYAKIT baru . hahaha !!
ngek btol lah . kema da GILER beli on9 ! heeee :)

last fri , kema bank in wit na beli beg baru . OMG !!
KEMA , ko da bpe byk beg haaaa ??
sorryyyyy .... :(
xdpt tahan ! beg cantek sgt !! nih pengaruh lin lah nih ..... 
(lin , kema gurau je .. hehee ) jgn mare :)

ni kema na show ckit pixca roomates2 terchinta :)

kamsahamnida membace ekema's story !

Saturday, November 26, 2011

1st week for sem 2

salam kpd sume blogger ...
dah lame kn kema x update blog ?? heee .
penyakit MALAZ telah menyerang . hehe :P
kema na cite psl 1st week msuk sem 2 .
new semester right ?? so , sume nye mstilah baru .
bke buku baru . jadi yg lebih baek dr sem 1 .

okeh ... utk minggu 1st ni an , lecture xde ag ..
kteorg dtg jep klz , tp after 15 minutes ... 
ape ag .. blk kolej lah ! da xde lecturer dtg na ajr .
hahahha . semalam .. ramai gler students balik awl2 pg .
coz da taw klz xde .
klz stat minggu dpn .
tmbah2 ag , isnin ni holiday . brsempena awl muharam .
jd ape tunggu ag , ni lah mase na blk umah .
lps nih dah ade klz, susa sikit lah na balik kan ?
hehehe . 

kema pn antare salah satu insan yg balik .
cewahhhhh .... hahaha . i balik pn bersebab oke!
air xde ! ape malang lah nasib dok kolej air xde ....
sodeyyyy ... tiap2 pagi kena bgn pagi2 bute , semate2 na berebut AIR .
lau x , xmandi lah ko jawabnye ...
hope , next week adelah air . eden x sggp dah .
air xde ....

dlm mase x pegi klz tuh .. smpat ag kteorg brposing nye ..
hehehe . bak kate eira , pixca tok sem 2 ... hahaha
 ni lah antare pixca nye ..

kamsahamnida membace ekema's story !

Monday, November 14, 2011

T.O.D.A.Y ? TAG GAME ...

salam sume .. ellow !
ehmmm .. ary nih kema dpt 1 notification dari FB .
n noti 2 dtg ny dr sorang bdak nih , ARIF .
tengs lah arif ats kesudian tag nme ekema .. hehehe (skema ayt kema ! )
haaaa .. arif ! skunk nih kema na jwb soalan kamoo ye ...
JOM2 !!

1 . you must post these rules !
2 . each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal
3 . answer the question tagger set fer you in their post
4 . create 11 new question fer the peolple you've tagged to answer .
5 . you have to tag 11 people and put their link in the entry
6 . go to their page and tell them you have tagged them
7 . no tag back
8 . you should tag 11 people ! (?)

Simple KAN ??  :)

11 perkara yang korunk xtaw psl ekema ..

1. K-POP addicted ! SHINee is my soul ..
2. minat wane UNGU ! tp npe baju kema mostly BLACK ?PELIK bukan ?
3. love to make my friends LAUGH !
4. makan banyak ! tp still KURUS .... :(
5. suka SHOPPING . ble xde duit WINDOW SHOPPING pn jadi lah .
6. i love CADBURY ...
7. seorang yang giler pd NOVEL . bli jep banyak , tp  suke bg org bce dlu . bkn diri sndiri yg bce
8. susa na BENCI SESEORANG , tp ble da benci ... kema akn benci org 2 sgt2 !
9. SINGLE is more better .. 
10. MALAS update blog . ikut mood update blog ... 
11. feel LONELY without my besties !!

that's all .

ok . my answer for arif's question :

1. If you could give the word one piece of advice , what would it be ?
---> semue masalah , ade penyelesaian nye ...

2. If you could have a room full of any one thing , what would it be ?
---> clothes !! made from korean 

3. what do you value most in other person?
---> kejujuran .

4. if you could only see black and white except for one colour , what colour would you like to see ?
---> i think WHITE

5. If you could change one thing about yorself , what would it be ?
---> jd lebih gemuk . tp bkn gemuk sgt ... atau lebih senang , berisi sikit dr yg skunk

6. if you could choose one of your personality traits to pass on your children , what would it be ?
---> hormat org laen lbih pntg , walaupn org tu dah wt kte sakit hati .

7. what would you attempt if you knew you could not fail ?
---> berusaha sehingga berjaya . jgn mudah putus asa .. CHAIYOK !

8. would you rather teach a young child to read or have to learn again for yourself ?
---> YES , I would . mestilah na ajar , kanak2 kn baru mengenal dunia .. so , kne ajr mereka supaya jd insan yg baik .

9. What is the best advice you've ever given and received ?
---> given : gagal sekali , x bermaksud gagal selama2 nye . so , you must give all out when do something .
        received : jangan putus ase  kema , ko bleh buat pny ...

10. What's your favourite song ?
---> banyak sgt . tp skunk kema minat forteen-berdua bersatu .

11. How would you like to die ? 
---> mesti lah mati dlm keadaan beriman . cewaahhh .. hehehe . mati disisi org trsayang .

p/s : ohhh .. arif ! sowi lah kema jwb dlm bm .. hehehe . na jwb bi , x fasih sgt .. hehhehehe 

okeh !untuk orang2 bertuah yg telah ditag , skunk nih kema na ajukan soalan plak .

1. antara cita-cita dan cinta , mana satu yg lebih penting kalau korang trpakse pilih dlm mase yg same ?
2. ape yang berada dlm fikiran korang skrang nih ?
3. kereta ape yg korang nak beli pd mase akan datang ?
4. kalau korang diberi satu tiket untuk melancong ke luar negara , dlm byk2 negara , negara mane yg korang pilih ? dan nak bawe sape ?
5. last korang nangis ble ?
6. boleh ke korang berkawan ngn ex korang ble da putus ? atau terus bermusuh ?
7. korang suke kekasih yang mcm mne ? mksd nye mcm caring ke ? or romantic ?
8. kalau korang trpakse kahwin ats pilihan family n bukan cinte hati korang , ape yg akn korang lakukan ?
9. kalau korang diberi harta secara tibe2 dan nilai nye mencecah jutaan ringgit , korang nak buat ape dgn duit tu ?
10. boleh ke hubungan jarak jauh dikekalkan kalau korag trpakse berpisah dgn kekasih ?
11 . siapa yang korang paling sayang sepanjang hidup korang smpai skrang ?

11 insan winkk2 yg BERTUAH :
fatima zahra
syira lokman


kamsahamnida membace ekema's story !

Friday, November 4, 2011

gulfren kema da balik .. winkk2 *_*

salam sume ... hyep !! ary nih , kema eppy sgt .
cozzzzz gulfren kema da blik !!
yeay2 . edah , slamt pulang !! nati kte ble g dating .
busann la xde ko . rindoo ko sgt2 ... hahahaha .
kantoi suda ! kema rindoo dye .
yunkkk , sok kte na kua an ? g dating . yes2 !!
akhirnye .. ary yg aku na date tu da tibe ! hahahaa
enta pape an . 

btw , kema bkn hny happy sbb na kua ngn my beloved kazen sok .
tp ngn cik aida skali . lme da x jmpe dye . 
terlalu kangen dong .. hahahaah . g bekfes same2 yeh .
walupn ary NIH ary yg EPY , but ....................
today result kua !! waaaa .. APE PERLU KEMA WAT !!
MCM MNE NIH . keputusan kema ? pointer kema .
satu perkataan jep kema na ckp ... TAKOT .
ehmm , hope result x mngecewakn .. hehehe . AMIN ...

kamsahamnida membace ekema's story !

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


salam sume . pejam celik pejam celik , ary nih da 2 nov .
tggal ckit jep ary kema na sambonk blik study tok sem due .
hmmm ,.. i'm too excited na taw result exam . 
hehehe . hope kputusan x kuciwa kn kema . i da try my best .
ary nih kema nak post psl kwn2 kema iaitu geng twinzz .
ain + eira lah yg bagi nme tu .
geng twinz .. hehehe . kte kn kembar ?? ayt spe lah tuh .. heee :)

JIYAN , EIRA , AMALIA , AIN ..... kema rindoo sgt kt korunk !
SEYES ! x tipu . I MISS UOLS .
korunk ade rindoo kema x ?? hehehehe .
kema miss lah moment kte sme2 . g klz sme2 .
g dewan makan same2 . sume na same2 lah .
smpai study pon na sme2 , snggup pndah bilik tuh .
hehehe ... korunk wat hidop kema x sunyi !
tengs jadi kawan kema . 

 cayunk sume !! kema design nih KHAS tok korunk  . hehehe . kte kwn smpai ble2 an ?? :)

korunk ingat x time nih ?? time kte sume gler2 na tgkap gmbar .hahaha . kt cni pon jdlah .kema rindoo sgt mase tuh !!

eira , jiyan .. ingat x time nih ??kte bertiga pakai bju same . baju batch !! hehehe walupn baju tu x bpe na cantek , kte pakai gak an !hehehe

korunk !! kema miss sgt waktu nih .kte g KFC coz da teringin sgt kfcnye ..hehehehe . tros serebu kfc . hahax bley bla btol . tp , jiyan x ikot an .ehmmm :( kurang 1 petak . heeeee

roti impit faveret korunk !! hehehe . rindoo time tuh .ckit2 na roti impit . hehehe plus ngn air pearl .eiii ... rindoo sgt mase tuh ! na air pearl+roti impit !hehehe

mesti korunk x dpt lupe time nih .hehehe . time kte g ECM . kte spend time same2 ..rindo lah time tu ..

kamsahamnida membace ekema's story !

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

sambungan cite my classmate lah . part 2

salam sume . hyep !! hari ni baru ade kerajinan na update blog ! hahahah . enta pape an ...
act , kema na sambong cite pasal classmates kema lah ! heee :)
ary tu kn kema da update yg part 1 . but , ade orang merajuk lah kema x cite pasal dye !
hehehehe . xpe2 . spt yg kema da jnjikan ... ary nih kema update k ! sowi ye teman2 ...
lambat update psl kamoo sume .. hehehe . mianei oke ? sowiiii .. :(

oke ! suda2 . jangan membazir masa dan tenaga ag , jom lah kte cite kt bwh nih .
merepek byk2 pn da x gune . hehehehe . oke2 ! jom !!!

now kema na cite pasal sorang budak bernama sharafie . kema panggil dye , shasha .
hehehe . na sebot nme dye 2 , agk terbelit lidah . so , lebey sng pggl shasha ..
hahahaha . msti korunk igt , nme 2 tuk gurls an ?? tp dye x kisah pn . n ade kema kisah ? hahaha

kn sha ?? heeee :) sha nih genius gler lah weh . sme ngn arif creek . sorang yg totally genius .
sha sgt pandai dlm chemiestry ! ary 2 na final exam , kema blaja ngn dye la . mate , fz ...
tengs ye sha sudi ajr kema . hehehehe :)

now , spe turn seterusny ?? budak sorang nih nmenye sharul ezzat . ejat ?
sowi ! x reti eja nme ko . hehehe . kema pakai tulis je . hehehe .
k ,.. ejat nh scre jujo ny , bkn na kutuk ye .. sgt myakitkn haty perangai dye nih .
sabo jela . kdg2 ase na dush2 ade gak . prangai slumber dye 2 ,
 n mulut agk bley tahan la . sakit jep aty ble dgr . tp spt kebiasaan ,
ade kema ksh ? lantak ko lah .. lau da 2 perangai ny .. hehehe ...
ejat .. jgn mare ye . sje2 na tulis psl ko .. kt blog nih . 

story mory psl boys da tamat ye . coz dlm klz kema only 5 boys .. hehehe .
so , cite psl diorg da abis yep ...

skunk nih turns gurls plak . nme budak nih norafarhana . dye adla penolong class rep ...
iaitu penolong kpd jeman . dye ? dye nih simple ... plus serius . hehehe .
kema tkot ngn dye . so beware ?? hahahaa . xde lah . k ..
dye nih teror dlm mate . n bkn mate jela .. sume subject .. sme spesis gaye
sha , arif ...heehe . bdk pandai la katekan . haaa !! hana , ko jgn mare plak  kema tulis
entry nih dalam blog kema.  krg xpsl2 ko mengamuk plak . hehehe .
skdar cite psl korunk .. kema ngn hana nih jiran ! na taw jiran pe ?
jiran dpn bilik . hehehe ... sng jep kteorg . jerit jep nme .. tros kua
dpn pintu ... hehehee .

oke kwn2 , skunk nih turn sorang budak kecik nih . hehehe . oppsss , dila
jgn mare eh .. hehehe . nme dye
fadhillah . kteorg pggil dila .
dila nih bdn dye kecik . mle2 kteorg igt dye skola rndah la .
coz kecik comel jep bdn dye .. hehehe . 2 yg special psl dye .
kecik2 cili booo taw .  jgn pndg dye kecik , dye nih pndai taw .
teror dlm bio .. dila nih comey la .. coz dye plg kecik dlm klz .
sore pn kecik .. hehehe . lau na taw , nilah bdk 2 :

skunk nih kema na cite pasal sorang budak yg bernama wanie .. hehehe .dye nih besfren kpd dila . kre ngn dila tu 1 geng lah ... smlam wanie tacing kema x cite psl dye . hahaha .ary nih kema cite psl wanie oke ? jgn mare ye ...wanie ?? na cite pasal ape ye tntang dye ? haaaa !!kema taw . waktu mule2 kema msuk u , dye kate kema nih pelik ?!hahahaha . xbley bla btol . ade kema ptot dye ckp kema PELIK ? ape lah ... huhu . skunk kema da x pelik kn wanie ? hehehe .kema taw . mybe kte baru 1st time jumpe . tu yg awk ckp kema nih pelik .hehehe . ble kema dtg jep kt korunk , korunk gelak . kema igt lagi waktu mds ary 2 .. hehehe .tp kema x trase pn . hahaha . awk kn kwn kema . kema pham !hehehee :)

oke .. budak seterusnya nih nme dye meen . actually , kema da lme knal meen .sblom 1 kelas skunk . meen , kwn kema waktu kt dato bahaman dulu .walaupun kt skola DB dlu , kema x rpt sgt ngn dye .kema knal dye waktu pegi prep . hehehe .meen ! x sngke kn kte 1 klz skunk . n 1 kos plak tuh . hehehe .meen adela supplier tok kema ! na taw supply ape ?ape ag ??! cite korea ma .. hehehe . bese la . virus korea da menyerang .hehehe .. tengs meen ! nati kema na cite korea ag ! hehehe .

skunk nih , kema na cite pasal classmates kema yg sorang nih . hehehenme dye nora . copp2 ??!! bkn nora elena taw . huhu . kteorg dlu pn pggl dye nora elena . sje2 jep menggedik . hehehe .btw , nora seorang yg baik haty . lemah lmbut . I LIKE !!hehehe . walupn x byk ckp , bkn cam kema . bpk riuh ny .hahaha . kema suke wat bising kn nora ? hehehe . x macam awk . diam jep . kema suke prangai awk . huhu .bes dpt knal ngn awk . :)

hahahaha . kema na cite pasal sorang budak nih . name dye sakiah !
tp taw x ape kema pggil dye ?? hehehe . saskia .kema taw korunk na ckp pe ! mcm dalam sinetron kn2 ??ala .. yg saskia tuh .. hehehe . law korunk tgok lah cite tuh ..soi ye sas ? i pggil u mcm tuh . hehehe . susah na sebot sakiah .pggil saskia ag bes !! hehehe . saskia ? ko mmg cm boy2 an .hehehe . kema suke kte awk boy2 . coz awk mmg cm2 . btw , i'm sowi . ko taw an kema suke gurau ... sas , ko ngn nora mmg kwn lah . mmg xley pisah . asyk na bekepit jep .eleh !! KEMA ! ko pn sme lah ! asyk na berkepit ngn jiyan n eira . hehehe ... kema da cite psl sas ? suke x ? huhu

skunk nih kema na cite psal akak bertiga . i'm sory sisters . kema gabung kn korunk bertiga .coz kema x taw na cite pe psl korunk . hehehebtw , kema taw sgt kaka2 sume mmg baek.mcm kak aida , lembut  sgt . hehehe kak eka plak , pemalu . hehehe . tp ye ke kak eka ?? hehehekak ina plak ,.. baik aty lah .kaka2 bertiga nih kema hormat sgt .bcoz korunk lebey tue dr kema .kema minx maap lau kema ade wat salah ngn kaka2 sume .hehehehe . 

kak eina

kak aida

kak eika

oke .. yg last cite psl classmates kema nih nme dye mizahkema da 1 klz ngn dye dr skola menengah ag .x sngke kn , ko satu klz ngn aku ag mizah .aku pn sgt x sngke .x busann ke 1 klz ngn kema ??? hehehe .btw , xpela  .. kos plak sme .. SAINS .n ko jgn suke na cari psal ngn kema . hehehe .kema da mlz na gado ngn ko mizah ... heee :)

*p/s : sume yg kema tulis nih ... korunk sume jgn ambik aty ... lau ambik aty ,, abs lah korunk xde haty .. 
hehehe . pe yg kema cite nih , skdar suke2 ... n 1 kls ngn korunk mmg happening lah ! walaupn ade yg sad .
bese lah . gado2 manje . tp tu sume kenangan bg kema . SUKA+SEDIH merupakan asam garam kehidupan kte . btol x ? so ... pesanan terakhir ialah : 


kamsahamnida membace ekema's story !

Large Rainbow Pointer